Daughters of the King, South Carolina Assembly

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Questions regarding ACNA Affiliation

Dear Sisters in Christ in the DOK SC Assembly,

The Diocese of SC recently affiliated with ACNA (Anglican Church in North America).   A question has been asked by some Daughters and clergy  regarding  whether the new ACNA affiliation affects the status of Daughters in ACNA parishes.

The answer is the following:

The Order of the Daughters of the King® is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation supported solely by the dues and donations of its members and friends.  Daughters of the King may be members of  Anglican, Episcopal , Lutheran , and Roman Catholic churches.  The Order is not controlled by any denomination and currently has about 24,000 women and girls in its membership in the United States and nearly  5,000 members in the Anglican Communion in 21 countries throughout the world.

Our DOK SC Assembly currently has Anglican, Episcopal, and Lutheran Daughters.  The Diocese of South Carolina's affiliation with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) does not change the membership status of Daughters in the Diocese of SC.  Everything remains the same.  

If you have questions or members of your clergy have questions, please contact me directly.  I will be glad to discuss any questions that you may have about The Order.

For His sake,


Kathy House


President , Daughters of the King  SC Assembly