Summer update and information from Triennial, July 5, 2022

July 5, 2022

My Dear Sisters in Christ,


"Come to the Table", Triennial 2022, has come and gone.  It was an amazing and spirit-filled event with inspirational speakers including our dear Chaplain, the Rev'd Janet Echols.  Though you may not have been able to attend, you will be able to experience and learn from the teachings through the National website on a link to YouTube.  I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.  In addition to wonderful teachings, we also experienced informative workshops and attended to some business.  First and foremost, we have a new National President Nancy Severin from Colorado alone with 14 new Council members (information about them is available on the National website).  Secondly seven changes to the Bylaws were voted.  Six of them were to correct grammatical errors or clarify understandings.  One Bylaw change struck the reference to "the General Convention" which allows for more flexibility in the scheduling of the DOK Triennial Meeting.  All changes passed.  A motion from the National Council was made, and seconded, to increase annual dues from $40 - $50 effective September 1, 2022  Following a great deal of discussion, the motion carried.  If you wish to avoid this increase for this year, I suggest you pay your dues prior to September 1st.  If there is a financial constraint and you are having trouble paying your dues, financial assistance is available by contracting your Chapter President.  DAL’s should contact the Assembly President.


Should you have further questions or concerns regarding Triennial I am more than happy to hear from you.


I pray you all are enjoying a restful summer break despite the heat.  But, it won't be long until we all gather again as an Assembly.  Our Fall Assembly is September 17th at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Charleston,  Our speaker is the Rev'd Dr. Sandi Kerner who is presently servicing as the Director of the Prayer Center at Camp St. Christopher.  I look forward to greeting you all.


Other dates you can add to your calendar:

October 3-7, Province IV Retreat at Kanuga Camp and conference Center

March 24-26, 2023, SC Spring Retreat, Camp St. Christopher


Blessing to you all FHS,

Kester Heaton, President

SC Assembly DOK